Philodendron gloriousum - Houseplant Homeschool

Philodendron gloriousum

Philodendron gloriosum is just the most super easy of the rarer Philodendron species to grow.  Lovely large heart shaped leaves with a velvety surface that is bisected by silvery white veins. Top tip of the young leaves are pink when they first emerge.


Pot size:  11 cm

Potting Mix: Airy aroid mix with coconut husk and Coir, charcoal, pearlite, Orchid bark and worm castings.


SKU: N/A Category:


Care requirements:

Keeping this plant happy is quite easy, but never over water them. If you’re unsure then wait until the top layer of the potting mix is dry before watering and water thoroughly. I tend to water once a week during the growing season and drop to once every 10 days in winter.

Bright indirect light is a must: early morning or evening sun is ideal. If your window is south facing then set the plant well back or add a shear curtain to stop the sun burning the leaves.

Humidity is this plant’s friend: the more you can provide the happier it will be. If you don’t have a humidifier then either group your plants together or place pot on a tray of pebbles that are always wet this will help to create a micro climate around the plant.

I use a balanced liquid fertilizer once a month at 50% strength.